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Jorge Palomar

where we live is part of what we are


Everyone knows that architects are quite concerned about architecture : the shape, the light, the width... But, what about the rest of the people? The citizens: people who live in houses, walk down the streets, visit museums or read at libraries; they are the main characters of the "architectural experience". Actually, creating spaces means nothing to architects if people don't "life" part of this creation.

Behind my point of view, architecture (as design) depends on the care for details and the ability to think as the user of your work, being always as efficient and pragmatical as you can. That is why I love my job and also the reason I can give my best for my clients.

Trust me for new projects or renovations...and you will not regret.

"God is in details"___ Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Architect​

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